
【Cross-Border Tax】Italy prepares new residence definitions for individuals and corporations

Italy's Council of Ministers has given preliminary approval to significant changes in the definitions of tax residency for both individuals and corporations.

Article 1 of the draft decree replaces the civil-law criterion of domicile for individuals with a tax-specific definition. It will be defined as the place where the individual's personal and family relations are 'primarily developed'.

Under Law No. 111/2023, individuals will be considered tax-resident if they are physically present in Italy for the greater part of the tax period, including fractions of a day, or if Italy is their habitual abode or place of primary personal and family relations.

The previous criterion of considering individuals tax-resident if they are registered as a member of the resident population 'for the greater part of the tax period' also remains relevant, but only as a rebuttable presumption until disproved.

The changes...

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