
Business Associate

IR Global

HW & Partners, Attorneys-at-Law is a member of IR Global. IR Global is a multi-disciplinary professional services network that provides legal, accountancy, financial advice to companies and individuals around the world. Represented in 155+ jurisdictions, covering over 70 unique practice areas. As one of the principal member firms of IR Global in Taiwan, HW & Partners, Attorneys-at-Law cooperates with other member firms worldwide to provide services.

HW Group Inc.

The business alliance of HW Group Inc. includes HW & Partners, Attorneys-at-Law, HW & Company CPAs, HW Management Consultants Ltd. We provide clients with multinational and instant professional services through senior accountants, lawyers and professional consultants in the business alliance. Services include tax consulting, legal consulting, wealth management consulting, international tax planning, bequest planning, inheritance planning, insurance planning, and trust planning. We strive to maximize our clients’ benefits through the integration of global international networks in services such as investment, corporate finance, accounting, taxation, legal and management consulting.